아비노 보습 바디로션 추천
글 · 사진 / 히융히융
1.5배 *
1분 **
* Johnson and Johnson R&D Center, Formula comparison, Aug 2021
** A single center, 72-hrs, Clinical study to assess the moisturization and repair efficacy of investigational products on sensitive skin, CCSSKA004265, J&J AP Clinical Testing center, Dec 2021
** 피부 속 미생물 유익균의 다양성이 많고 균형이 잡혀있어 강한 피부 장벽을 형성
** A single center, 72-hrs, Clinical study to assess the moisturization and repair efficacy of investigational products on sensitive skin, CCSSKA004265, J&J AP Clinical Testing center, Dec 2021