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[국내28] 노인 인구에 대한 이침치료와 이압요법의 국내 임상연구 동향 (2021, 동의신경정신과학회지)

노인 인구에 대한 이침치료와 이압요법의 국내 임상연구 동향 2021년 동의신경정신과학회지 1저자 & 교신저자 문헌고찰 Kwon CY, Lee B. Ear Acupuncture and Ear Acupressure in Elderly Population: A Scoping Review on Domestic Clinical Research. J of Oriental Neuropsychiatry 2021;32(3):219-234. Objectives: The objective of this study was to review and analyze domestic research trends of ear acupuncture and ear acupressure (EAs) in elderly population. Methods: We searched five domestic databases to collect relevant original clinical studies up to July 2, 2021. Conditions of elderly participants and results reported in included studies were analyzed. Methods of EAs used were analyzed referring to STandards for Reporting Interventions in Clinical Tri...
